AgroWall agro-photovoltaic system is a type of vertical photovoltaic fence consisting of a massive support structure and solar panels attached to it. Such a solution on a farm can serve, for example, as an enclosure for livestock and provide balanced shade for crops of selected species of plants.
The standard installation solution is driving into the ground using a pile driver. Depending on the terrain and project requirements, concrete-mounted footings, ballasting on the ground or in the ground, and piling with a retaining plate can also be used.
The most commonly used material is S350GD structural steel and 310, 430 and 620 zinc-magnesium coatings, a combination that guarantees the achievement of warranties of up to 15 years. This makes our solutions a lasting investment for years to come.
- Optymalizacja przestrzeni
- Łatwy i szybki montaż
- Brak konieczności konserwacji