Ground free-standing


Universal mounting systems for photovoltaic panels consist of repeating segments that allow different configurations and selection of any panels. Thanks to this flexibility, these systems can be adapted to different panel sizes and virtually any table length. The universal structures are double-supported , which ensures stability and offers an optimal fixed tilt angle of 25°. The standard version rests on poles embedded in the ground at a depth of 1.5 meters.

Free standing structure UN-V2xN Universal
Free standing structure UN-V2xN Universal

vertical arrangement, two-row, monofacial, two-supported

UN-2VBF Universal free-standing structure
UN-2VBF Universal free-standing structure

vertical arrangement, bifacial, bipodal

Free standing structure UN-4HST Universal
Free standing structure UN-4HST Universal

horizontal layout, four-row, monofacial, two-supported